Friday, September 28, 2012

Review of Peaceful Meadows by Tracey Madeley

If you are into fast paced and action filled novels then you will not find Peaceful Meadows to your taste.

This novel is based in the 80’s when society was especially driven to consumerism.  Peaceful Meadows is a hippy community with idyllic principals.  They are not the drug taking and sex crazed hippies of the 60’s but still a community not bound by convention. 

This hippy community do not confirm to social norms but as Solomon the leader states that rules are necessary within a society for there to be organised co-existence. 

The novel brings to light what an alternative life style could be like.  Unfortunately even this loving peaceful community is free from harm.  Their innocence makes them vulnerable to ruthless outsiders. 

This story will make the reader question whether people can successfully live within a completely socialistic society.  I often tire of our commerce driven existence.  We work so hard and have so little time for each other and their life style does seem wonderful.  Sadly it is true that there are always people that take advantage.

Peaceful Meadow does tell a unique story.  I enjoyed the idealism of the story.  If you are questioning your own life style this is a definite good read for you.  This is not a novel that will appeal to people across the board but it is a worthwhile read if you are personally questioning the world’s social structure.
The ending is very touching but I am not going to ruin it for you. 


  1. Thank you for taking the time to read the book, it's a very gracious review.


  2. Thank you for sending me a copy to review Tracey.
