Thursday, October 25, 2012

Review of Out of the Shadow by J.S. Winn

When Jamie sent me her review request, I read the description and I wanted to read it immediately as it really seemed to be my favourite genre.  As I get sent many novels to review, I am often disappointed when the story fails to fulfil the description that I have in mind.

When it comes to Out of the Shadow, I was not disappointed.  Jamie is in my opinion a brilliant writer and the story is thrilling.  I could not put it down and finished it in one night.

Jamie cleverly uses Rachel’s psychologist’s seminar to tell her story.  Her novel kept me guessing, (which I love).  I guessed wrong which is unusual for me I usually know what the plot  is going to be long before anybody else does.   I can’t tell you much about it as it is full of surprises. 

If you like mystery drama you have to buy Out of the Shadow.  I will be surprised if you don’t enjoy it. 
Jamie I wish you lots of success you thoroughly deserve it.

Kindly note that Jamie did not pay me anything for this review, my review service is completely free.  I get free copies of novels in exchange for my honest opinion.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Review of Hard Target by Barbara Phinney

This novel would make a fantastic action movie.  It is very fast paced and the story is so exciting.  I amazed at Ms Phinney’s ability to keep up that constant momento.  Throughout this story the action keeps going.
Dawna the main character is an amazing woman; tough as nails but with a lot of heart.  If you are looking for a girly, touchy and feely romance, this novel is not for you.

When things go wrong at the embassy that Dawna is head of security of, Tay is called in. Dawna and Tay have a past.  They have to work together to find out who is being targeted at the embassy and why.

The fantastic plot will keep you guessing and the imagery is so vivid that I was transported into South America.

Barbara has written a novel that will appeal to both male and female audiences.